How Hepatitis B is able to cause liver cancer


We all know that carcinogens are responsible for causing cancer. Alongside the carcinogens, other reasons like heredity, some viruses are also quoted as possible reasons for cancer cause. Hepatitis B causing virus, and Hepatitis C causing virus are the three virus that are touted to cause liver cancer. The Hepatitis B causing Virus, also called HBV, multiplies in the liver causing scarring of liver and liver failure when your body can no more fight the virus. For most people, the immune system of the body is able to fight the virus but for some the immune system is overwhelmed by HBV and that is when the symptoms related to HBV like jaundice, fever, fatigue, stomach pain, nausea, vomiting, etc, show up.

One of the other complications causes by HBV is liver cancer. Chronic HBV infection is said to cause cancer to the liver. The virus is able to damage the DNA of the liver cells and this is said to cause liver cancer. Along with Hepatitis B, Chronic Hepatitis C virus can also cause liver cancer but the HBV-related cancer is more widespread than HCV-related cancer. Fortunately HBV vaccine is available and this can be administered to people of all age.

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